Are you trying to learn the Spanish language or just want to know some common Spanish words to impress girls in your class? This collection of 1000 most common Spanish words and phrases with their meanings in English is a perfect place to start.
Spanish is a widely used language with approximately 500 Million speakers around the globe mainly spoken in Spain and Latin America. Spanish is also called español and Castellano in different parts of the world.
Spanish is a part of the Ibero-Romance group of languages and more than 75% of its vocabulary is derived from Latin, Sardinian, Italian and other neighbouring languages. Spanish is the fourth most spoken language in the world after Mandarin, English and Hindi. It is also among six official languages of the United Nations and also an official language of the European Union.
This list of most used Spanish words will help you to make a strong Spanish vocabulary. These 1000 words of Spanish contain Spanish words for daily use, Spanish words for greetings, Spanish words about love, Office work words, etc.
1000 Most Common Spanish Words with their meaning in English
This is the collection of 1000+ Common Spanish words used in daily life. By learning these words you will be able to read, write and understand basic Spanish very easily.
a | a, to |
a su vez, | turn |
a través de | through |
abajo | down |
abierta | open |
abrigo | coat |
acabado | finish |
acción | action |
aceite | oil |
acerca | about |
acero | steel |
acorde | chord |
acto | act |
actual | current |
acuerdo | agree |
acuerdo | deal |
adecuada | proper |
adelante | forward |
adivinar | guess |
aeropuerto | Airport |
agua | water |
agudo | sharp |
agujero | hole |
ahora | now |
ahora | far |
aire | air |
al | to, to the |
al este | east |
ala | wing |
alambre | wire |
alcance | range |
alegría | joy |
algodón | cotton |
algunos | some |
alimentos | food |
aliviar | ease |
alto | high |
am | am |
amar | love |
amarillo | yellow |
ambos | both |
amigo | friend |
amplio | wide |
amplio | broad |
añadir | add |
anillo | ring |
animal | animal |
año | year |
años | year |
antes | before |
aparecerá | appear |
apoyo | support |
aprender | learn |
aquí | here |
árbol | tree |
arena | sand |
arte | art |
ascenso | climb |
ascensor | lift |
así | well |
así | so |
asiento | seat |
átomo | atom |
aumentando | rise |
aumentar | raise |
aún | yet |
aunque | though |
auto | self |
aviso | notice |
ayudar | help |
azúcar | sugar |
azul | blue |
bajo | under |
bajo | low |
banco | bank |
banda | band |
barco | boat |
barra | bar |
base de | base |
básico | basic |
bastante | quite |
bastante | pretty |
bate | bat |
batir | beat |
bebé | baby |
bebida | drink |
belleza | beauty |
bit | bit |
blanco | white |
bloque | block |
boca | mouth |
bola | ball |
borde | edge |
bordo | board |
bosque | forest |
brazo | arm |
brecha | divide |
brillante | bright |
brillo | shine |
buena | good |
buque | ship |
buscar | look |
búsqueda | search |
caballo | horse |
cabeza | head |
cada | each |
cada | every |
cadena | string |
caer | fall |
caer | drop |
caja | box |
caliente | hot |
caliente | hot |
caliente | warm |
calle | street |
calor | heat |
cama | bed |
cambio | change |
caminar | walk |
camino | way |
camino | path |
camión | truck |
campamento | camp |
campana | bell |
campo | field |
canción | song |
cantar | sing |
capaz | able |
capitán | captain |
capturado | caught |
capturas | catch |
cara | face |
carácter | character |
carne | meat |
carrera | race |
carretera | road |
carta | letter |
casa | home, house |
caso | case |
causa | cause |
cayó | fell |
caza | hunt |
celular | cell |
centro | center |
cerca | near |
Cerrar | close |
charla | talk |
chica | girl |
cielo | sky |
cien | hundred |
ciencia | science |
ciento | cent |
cierto | certain |
cima | top |
cinco | five |
círculo | circle |
ciudad | city |
ciudad | town |
claro | clear |
clase | class |
clave | key |
cobrar | charge |
coche | car |
cociente | quotient |
cocinero | cook |
cola | tail |
cólera | anger |
colina | hill |
colonia | colony |
colores | color |
columna | column |
comenzar | begin |
comenzó | began |
comer | eat |
comercio | trade |
como | as, since, like |
comparar | compare |
completo | complete |
completo | full |
comprado | bought |
comprar | buy |
comprobar | check |
común | common |
con | with |
concha | shell |
condición | condition |
conducir | lead |
conectar | connect |
conjunto | set |
conseguido | got |
conseguir | get |
considerar | consider |
consonante | consonant |
construir | build |
contar | to count |
contener | contain |
contento | glad |
continente | continent |
continuar | continue |
contra | against |
copia | copy |
corazón | heart |
correcta | correct |
corriente | stream |
corrió | ran |
cortada | cut |
corto | short |
cosa | thing |
costa | coast |
costo | cost |
crear | create |
crecer | grow |
creció | grew |
creer | believe |
cruzar | cross |
cualquier | any |
cuando | when |
cuarto de galón | quart |
cuatro | four |
cubierta | cover |
cuello | neck |
cuerda | rope |
cuerpo | body |
cuidado | care |
cuota | share |
curso | course |
cuya | whose |
dama | lady |
danza | dance |
dar | to give |
dar | give |
de | of, from |
de altura | tall |
de capital | capital |
de cultivos | crop |
de espesor | thick |
de metal | metal |
de nuevo | again |
de pie | stand |
debe | must |
deberá | shall |
debería | should |
decidir | decide |
decimal | decimal |
decir | to say, tell |
dedo | finger |
dejar | let |
dejar | leave |
del | of, from |
delante | front |
deletrear | spell |
delgado | thin |
demás | else |
demasiado | too |
demostrar | prove |
dependerá | depend |
derecho | right |
desarrollar | develop |
describir | describe |
desde | from, since |
desear | wish |
desgaste | wear |
desierto | desert |
deslizamiento | slip |
después | after |
destacado | stood |
Deténgase | stop |
determinar | determine |
detrás | behind |
día | day |
dibujar | draw |
diccionario | dictionary |
dicho | said, told |
dientes | teeth |
diez | ten |
difícil | difficult |
dinero | money |
dio | gave |
directa | direct |
discurso | speech |
discutir | discuss |
diseño | design |
distante | distant |
diversión | fun |
división | division |
doble | double |
dólar | dollar |
donde | where |
dos | two |
durante | during |
duro | hard |
edad | age |
efecto | effect |
ejecutar | run |
ejemplo | example |
ejercicio | exercise |
el | the |
él | he, him |
el control | control |
eléctrica | electric |
elegir | choose |
elemento | element |
ella | she |
ellos | they |
ellos | them |
empate | tie |
empresa | company |
empujar | push |
en | in, into, inside, on |
en espera | held |
encajar | fit |
encontrado | found |
encontrar | find |
enemigo | enemy |
energía | energy |
enorme | huge |
enseñar | teach |
entonces | then |
entrar | enter |
entre | between, among |
enviado | sent |
enviar | send |
equiparar | equate |
equipo | team |
era | was |
eran | were |
es | is |
escala | scale |
esclavo | slave |
escribió | wrote |
escribir | write |
escrito | written |
escuchar | hear |
escuchar | listen |
escuela | school |
ese | that |
espacio | space |
espalda | back |
especial | special |
especialmente | especially |
esperanza | hope |
esperar | expect |
espere | wait |
esposa | wife |
esquina | corner |
estación | station |
estado | been |
estado | state |
estar | to be, stay |
este | this |
este | this |
éstos | these |
estrella | star |
estudiante | student |
estudio | study |
evento | event |
exacta | exact |
excepto | except |
excitar | excite |
exigir | require |
éxito | success |
experiencia | experience |
experimento | experiment |
extraño | strange |
familia | family |
famoso | famous |
favorecer | favor |
feliz | happy |
ferrocarril | rail |
ficción | fiction |
figura | figure |
fila | row |
fin | end |
fina | fine |
flor | flower |
fluir | flow |
forma | form |
forma | shape |
fracción | fraction |
frase | sentence |
frase | phrase |
fresco | cool |
fresco | fresh |
frío | cold |
frotar | rub |
fruta | fruit |
fuego | fire |
fuera | out |
fuera | off |
fuerte | strong |
fuerte | loud |
fuerza | force |
ganar | win |
gas | gas |
gato | cat |
general | general |
gobernar | govern |
golpe | blow |
golpear | hit |
gracias | thank |
grado | degree |
gran | great |
gran | grand |
grande | large |
grande | big |
granja | farm |
grasa | fat |
gris | gray |
grito | cry |
grito | shout |
grupo | group |
guardado | kept |
guardar | save |
guerra | war |
guiar | guide |
gusta | idea |
haber | to have, has |
habilidad | skill |
habitación | room |
habitual | usual |
hablar | speak |
habló | spoke |
hace | does |
hace | ago |
hacer | to do, make |
hacia | toward |
Halar | pull |
haría | would |
hasta | up |
hasta | until |
hay | there |
hecho | made |
hecho | done |
hecho | fact |
hermana | sister |
hermano | brother |
herramienta | tool |
hielo | ice |
hierba | grass |
hierro | iron |
higo | fig |
hijo | son |
historia | story |
historia | history |
hizo | did |
hoja | sheet |
Hola | Hello |
hombre | man |
hombres | men |
hombro | shoulder |
horas | hour |
hueso | bone |
huevo | egg |
humana | human |
I | I |
idioma | language |
igual | equal |
imagen | picture |
imaginar | imagine |
imán | magnet |
importante | major |
incluir | include |
incluso | even |
indicar | indicate |
industria | industry |
inferior | bottom |
inicio | start |
insecto | insect |
instantánea | instant |
instrumento | instrument |
interés | interest |
inventar | invent |
invierno | winter |
ir | to go |
isla | island |
izquierda | left |
jardín | garden |
jefe | chief |
joven | young |
juego | game |
jugar | play |
juntos | together |
justo | fair |
la | the |
lado | side |
lago | lake |
lanzar | throw |
largo | long |
lata | can |
lavado | wash |
leche | milk |
leer | read |
lenta | slow |
ley | law |
libra | pound |
libre | free |
libro | book |
limpia | clean |
línea | line |
líquido | liquid |
lista | list |
listo | ready |
llamada | call |
llano | plain |
llegar | reach |
llegar | arrive |
llenar | fill |
llevado | led |
llevar | carry |
lluvia | rain |
lo | the, for, it |
lo hará | will |
localizar | locate |
log | log |
longitud | length |
los | those |
lucha | fight |
lugar | place |
lugar | stead |
lugar | spot |
luna | moon |
luz | light |
madera | wood |
madre | mother |
maíz | corn |
mal | bad |
mal | wrong |
mañana | morning |
mano | hand |
mantener | keep |
mantenga | hold |
manzana | apple |
mapa | map |
máquina | machine |
mar | sea |
maravilla | wonder |
marca | mark |
marrón | brown |
más | more |
más | most |
más bien | rather |
masa | mass |
master | master |
matar | kill |
materia | matter |
materiales | material |
me | me |
médico | doctor |
medio | half |
medio | middle |
mediodía | noon |
medir | measure |
mejor | best |
mejor | better |
melodía | melody |
menos | less |
menos | least |
mensaje | post |
mente | mind |
mentira | lie |
menudo | often |
mercado | market |
mes | month |
mesa | table |
método | method |
mezclar | mix |
mi | my, not me |
miedo | fear |
miedo | afraid |
mientras | while |
mil | thousand |
milla | mile |
millones | million |
mina | mine |
minuto | minute |
minuto | minute |
misma | same |
mismo | same |
moderno | modern |
molécula | molecule |
momento | moment |
montaña | mountain |
monte | mount |
morir | die |
motor | engine |
movimiento | move |
movimiento | motion |
mucho | much |
mucho | lot |
muchos | many |
muerte | death |
muerto | dead |
mujer | woman |
mujeres | women |
multiplicar | multiply |
multitud | crowd |
mundo | world |
música | music |
muy | very, highly |
nacido | born |
nación | nation |
nación | nation |
nada | nothing |
nadar | swim |
nariz | nose |
naturales | natural |
naturaleza | nature |
necesario | necessary |
necesario | necessary |
necesitará | need |
negro | black |
neumáticos | tire |
ni | nor |
nieve | snow |
niño | boy |
niño | child |
niños | children |
nivel | level |
no | no. don’t |
no lo hará | won’t |
noche | night |
noche | evening |
nombre | name |
norte | north |
nos | we |
nosotros | us |
nota | note |
nube | cloud |
nuestro | our |
nueve | nine |
nuevo | new |
numeral | numeral |
número | number |
nunca | never |
nunca | ever |
o | or |
objeto | object |
observar | observe |
océano | ocean |
ocho | eight |
ocupado | busy |
oeste | west |
oferta | offer |
oficina | office |
oh | oh |
oído | heard |
oído | ear |
ojo | eye |
ola | wave |
olor | smell |
operar | operate |
oportunidad | chance |
opuesta | opposite |
orden | order |
organizar | arrange |
órgano | organ |
originales | original |
orilla | shore |
oro | gold |
oscuro | dark |
otro | another, other |
oxígeno | oxygen |
padre | father |
padre | parent |
pagar | pay |
página | page |
país | country |
pájaro | bird |
palabra | word |
palillo | stick |
pan | bread |
papá | dad |
papel | paper |
par | pair |
para | for, towards, stop |
parecer | seem |
pared | wall |
párrafo | paragraph |
parte | part |
particular, | particular |
partido | party |
partido | match |
pasado | past |
pasar | pass |
pasar | spend |
paseo | ride |
paso | step |
patio | yard |
pato | duck |
patrón | pattern |
peces | fish |
peligro | danger |
pelo | hair |
pensado | thought |
pensar | think |
pequeño | small |
pequeño | tiny |
perdido | lost |
período | period |
permitir | allow |
pero | but |
perro | dog |
persona | person |
personas | people |
pesada | heavy |
peso | weight |
pie | foot |
piedra | stone |
piel | skin |
pienso | feed |
pierna | leg |
pies | feet |
pieza | piece |
pintar | paint |
piso | floor |
pista | track |
pistola | gun |
pitch | pitch |
plan de | plan |
plana | flat |
planeta | planet |
plano | plane |
planta | plant |
plantear | pose |
plata | silver |
plaza | square |
plazo | term |
pliegue | crease |
plurales | plural |
poblar | populate |
pobre | poor |
poco | little |
pocos | few |
poder | to be able to, can, might, may |
podía | could |
podría | might |
poema | poem |
polluelo | chick |
poner | put |
por | by, for, per |
por encima de | above |
por favor | please |
por qué | why |
por tanto, | thus |
posible | possible |
posición | position |
potencia | power |
práctica | practice |
pregunta | question |
preguntar | ask |
prensa | press |
preparar | prepare |
presente | present |
primavera | spring |
primero | first |
principal | main |
prisa | hurry |
probable | probable |
problema | problem |
problema | trouble |
proceso | process |
Produce | produce |
producirse | occur |
producto | product |
profunda | deep |
pronto | soon |
propagación | spread |
propiedad | property |
propio | own |
proporcionar | provide |
proteger | protect |
próximo | next |
prueba | test |
público | public |
pueblo | village |
puede | may |
puerta | door |
puerto | port |
pulgadas | inch |
punto | point |
puntuación | score |
que | that |
que | which |
que | than |
que | who |
qué | what |
quedarse | stay |
quemar | burn |
querer | want |
querido | dear |
quizás | perhaps |
Radio | radio |
raíz | root |
rama | branch |
rápido | quick |
rápido | fast |
razón | reason |
reales | real |
recibir | receive |
reclamación | claim |
recoger | pick |
recoger | collect |
recordar | remember |
recta | straight |
región | region |
registro | record |
regla | rule |
reloj | clock |
repentina | sudden |
repita | repeat |
representar | represent |
resolver | settle |
resolver | solve |
responder | reply |
respuesta | answer |
restar | subtract |
restaurant | restaurant |
resto | rest |
resultado | result |
reunir | gather |
rey | king |
rica | rich |
río | river |
risa | laugh |
roca | rock |
rojo | red |
rollo | roll |
rompió | broke |
ronda | round |
rosa | rose |
rotura | break |
rueda | wheel |
ruido | noise |
saber | to know |
sabía | knew |
sal | salt |
saltar | jump |
salvaje | wild |
sangre | blood |
satélite | sat |
se fue | went |
se ha ido | gone |
se reúnen | meet |
sección | section |
seco | dry |
segmento | segment |
segundo | second |
seguro | sure |
seguro | safe |
seis | six |
seleccionar | select |
semana | week |
semilla | seed |
sencilla | simple |
señorita | miss |
sentar | lay |
sentarse | sit |
sentido | felt |
sentido | sense |
sentir | feel |
separada | separate |
ser | to be |
ser distinto | differ |
servir | serve |
show | show |
si | if, yes |
si | whether |
siempre | always |
sierra | saw |
siete | seven |
siga | follow |
siglo | century |
significado | meant |
significará | mean |
signo | sign |
sílaba | syllable |
silencio | silent |
silla | chair |
símbolo | symbol |
similar | similar |
sin | without |
sistema | system |
sobre | envelope, on |
sol | sun |
sola | single |
soldado | soldier |
solitario | lone |
sólo | only |
sólo | just |
solución | solution |
sombrero | hat |
son | are |
sonar | sound |
soñar | dream |
sonrisa | smile |
soportar | bear |
sorpresa | surprise |
su | his, their, your, her |
suave | soft |
suave | gentle |
suceder | happen |
suelo | ground |
suelo | soil |
sueño | sleep |
suficiente | enough |
sufijo | suffix |
sugerir | suggest |
sujeto | subject |
suministro | supply |
superficie | surface |
sur | south |
sustancia | substance |
sustantivo | noun |
tabla | chart |
tal | such |
tamaño | size |
también | also |
tarde | late |
tarjeta | card |
temperatura | temperature |
temporada | season |
temprana | early |
tener | to have |
tenido | had |
tercero | third |
tiempo | time |
tiempo | weather |
tienda | store |
tienda | shop |
tiene | has |
tierra | land |
tierra | earth |
tipo | kind |
tipo | type |
tocar | touch |
todavía | still |
todo | todo |
todo | all, whole |
tomar | take |
tomó | took |
tono | tone |
totales | total |
trabajo | work |
trabajo | job |
traer | bring |
traído | brought |
traje | suit |
tramo | stretch |
tranquila | quiet |
tratar | try |
tren | train |
tres | three |
triángulo | triangle |
tubo | tube |
último | last |
último | final |
un | a, an |
una vez | once |
unidad | unit |
unidad | drive |
unirse | join |
universidad | University |
uno | one |
uso | use |
usted | you |
vaca | cow |
valle | valley |
valor | value |
vapor | steam |
variar | vary |
varios | several |
vecino | neighbor |
veinte | twenty |
vela | sail |
velocidad | speed |
vender | sell |
venir | come |
ventana | window |
ver | to see, watch |
verano | summer |
verbo | verb |
verdadero | TRUE |
verde | green |
vestido | dress |
vestir | clothe |
viaje | trip |
viajes | travel |
vida | life |
vidrio | glass |
viejo | old |
viento | wind |
vino | came |
visita | visit |
visitar | to visit |
vista | view |
vista | sight |
vivir | live |
vocal | vowel |
volar | fly |
voz | voice |
y | and |
ya | already |
ya sea | either |
yo | I |
zapato | shoe |
zona | area |
gustar | to like |
Question Words in Spanish
Whenever we have to ask a question it starts with the word like What, Why, When, etc. Let’s learn how to start a question in Spanish.
¿Cuándo? : When?
¿Dónde? : Where?
¿Cómo? : How?
¿Cuál? : Which?
¿Por qué? : Why?
¿Quién? : Who?
¿Qué? : What?
Practice Questions about Common Words in Spanish Language
Let find the answer to the below questions related to the above given 1000 Common Spanish Words.
What is ‘Top’ in Spanish?
cima is the word in Spanish for Top.
How to say ‘How’ in Spanish?
¿Cómo? is the word for ‘How’ in Spanish
What is the word for ‘Success’ in Spanish?
éxito is the word for Success.
How to say Hello in Spanish?
Which Spanish word is used for Travel?
Learning only 100 of the above given Spanish words will make you able to communicate with native Spanish speakers. Practising all 1000+ words will help you to make a solid vocabulary foundation to kick-start your Spanish learning journey.
Common Words in other languages: