Annoyed Meaning in Hindi | Meaning of Annoyed in Hindi
अनॉइड का हिंदी में मतलब नीचे दिए अनुसार है:
- नाराज
- तंग
- चिढ़ा हुआ.
- परेशान
- हैरान
- अप्रसन्न
- रूठा हुआ
- पसंद न करने का भाव
- गुस्सा या परेशान हो जाना
Annoyed Meaning in English / Annoyed (अनॉइड) का इंग्लिश में मतलब
अनॉइड का अंग्रेजी में मतलब नीचे दिए अनुसार है:
- Irritated
- Bothered or Disturbes.
- Slightly Angry
- Fairly upset or angry about something.
- Disturbed by a situation.
- feeling or showing angry irritation
Annoyed उच्चारण
(ənɔɪd )
[ uh–noid ]
Examples of Annoyed in Sentences / Annoyed शब्द के उदाहरण
- Ram was so annoyed with Shyam for turning up late. / राम, श्याम के देरी से आने की वजह से उससे बहुत नाराज था.
- They get annoyed when video advertising interrupts their user experience popping up or getting in the way of their desired content.
- Whatever I do, there is someone to be annoyed and offended at the act.
- ‘Alex was annoyed at being woken up so early’ / अलेक्स जल्दी जाग जाने की वजह से परेशान था.
- ‘This kind of thing happens sometimes, but I was annoyed with myself for handling it badly.’
- I get annoyed when I see other sites ranking on page 1 and they have clearly used this approach – but I know that their success may be short-lived.
- If Mariyata was annoyed by Priscilla’s refusal, poor Priscilla was deeply disturbed by the turn of affairs.
- Sheetal was annoyed to discover that her husband had taken her car keys.
- Everyone looked annoyed and some swore loudly. – Times, Sunday Times (2014)
Synonyms of Annoyed / अनॉइड के पर्यावाची शब्द
- Irritated
- Miffed
- Peeved.
What are Some related words for Annoyed (Annoyed के सम्बंधित शब्द)
- Angry
- Bothered
- Annoy
- Mad
- Tired
- Disconcerted
- Problematic
- Angrier
- Irritating
- Mean
- Miffed
अन्य भाषाओं में Annoyed (अनॉइड) को क्या कहा जाता है? (How to say Annoyed in Different Language)
अन्य भाषाओँ में Annoyed का मतलब नीचे दिया गया है:
- Brazilian Portuguese: chateado
- Chinese: 恼怒的
- European Spanish: enfadado
- Korean: 짜증이 난
- European Portuguese: chateado
- Russian: раздраженный [razdrazhennyy]
- French: agacé
- German: verärgert
- Marathi: राग
- Tamil: எரிச்சல்
- Telugu: కోపం
- Malayalam: അസ്വസ്ഥനാക്കുന്നു എന്ന്
- Punjabi: ਨਾਰਾਜ਼
- Kannada: ಸಿಟ್ಟಾಗಿ
Annoyed: English to Hindi translation / Meaning of Annoyed in Hindi

Do you know what the meaning of Annoyed is in Hindi and English? Get Annoyed meaning in Hindi, Annoyed Synonyms, Antonyms, Related words to Annoyed and Example of Annoyed in sentences. Hindi meaning of Annoyed, Annoyed ka matalab hindi me, Annoyed translation and definition in Hindi language.
क्या आप जानते हैं Annoyed का हिन्दी में क्या मतलब होता है. ज्ञानबक्सा पर हमने आपको बताया है Annoyed का हिन्दी मतलब, Annoyed के पर्यावाची शब्द, Annoyed के विलोम शब्द और अनॉइड के वाक्यों में उदाहरण. Annoyed का मतलब (मीनिंग) हिंदी में जाने |
Tags: Annoyed ka matalab hindi me, Annoyed translation and definition in Hindi language. Hindi meaning of Annoyed , Annoyed meaning in hindi.
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